Thursday, May 21, 2015

What your favorite season says about you!

Whether you love snow or your daydreaming about a tropical beach the season that you like the most can give instant insight into your personality. I've been studying Traditional Chinese Medicine and there are actually five seasons to choose from: spring, summer, late summer, autumn and winter. Each having special energy that matches your own. See what your favorite season reveals.

Long for Spring?
You're powerful

In holistic arts spring is the season associated with the element of wood, flexibility and deepening roots. Think of how a tree grows up and out while the roots grow deep into the ground. If you are drawn to this season, you're a  high powered individual who has the ability to branch out from anything that is holding you back, and once you've set your mind to something, you're unstoppable. But you're not one to forget your foundation of family and friends(roots) you cherish them above all else.

Dream about Summer?
You're passionate 

If you see yourself as a summer person, you have an abundance of energy. You greet anything that comes your way with enthusiasm and are always eager to push the limits. Even though your fun loving and vivacious, you're also a force to be reckoned with. You know how to get results and enthusiastically pursue your goals.
Yearn for Late Summer?
You're grounded
High Resolution Pictures - Summer is a dainty large image
Those who feel best during those warm days leading to autumn are calm, self aware souls. The fifth season, in holistic arts, Late summer is linked to earth, the soil and a sense of groundedness.These folks are also mindful of their actions and have the abilityto use positive thoughts and behaviors to overcome negative situations.
Happiest in Fall?
You're strong and balanced
 A path in autumn colored wild deciduous forest
Autmun people have a cool energy and are known for their serenity and strength. It is in their nature to take things slow and think things through before making a move. This allows them to let go of things that are detrimental to their well being.
Drawn to winter?
You're creative
Picture of the firs under white snow, in a beautiful January day
If you love crackling fires and frosty weatherit means you are inventive since the winter season is assoociated with right brain or artistic energy. You love to embrace new ways of thinking which inspires others to use their imagination and see things from a fresh perspective.

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