Monday, July 16, 2018

Using Doilies in a Fresh Way

I inherited quite a few doilies and am always trying to figure different ways I can use them. I don't want to harm them so Hodge-podge or sewing them to pillows is out of the question. The photos I took in the house didn't turn out well, so I took some of these ideas outside to photograph.
I like to use doilies as a valence over windows or doors. It's nice to change up the colors for different seasons or for your mood. I lover cheery yellow and have a lot of those! Using these for a half curtain also works.

 Make a quick and easy party bunting using similar colored doilies or add many different colored ones for a birthday celebration.

Use doilies as wall art. This simple yet striking piece is very elegant.

This wall art can go with many styles of decor. You don"t have to drape all of your furniture with doilies in order to use them. Get creative, step out of the box and find interesting ways to use doilies!